Monthly Archives: February 2016

March 10th

Hello Everyone. Time is marching on and my one-year check-up is being scheduled. March 10th will be a big day of testing my health status (because we are reaching the one-year anniversary of receiving my donor stem cells). This also means possibly getting to find out who my donor is. So, lots of exciting moments are shaping up.

As of yet, I have sent in an anonymous hand-written note to my donor, and my parents have sent an anonymous email to the donor via MD Anderson. Our thanks is long overdue, and we are hoping that through this communication, the donor will be willing to disclose who she is. It is so exciting to wonder who this woman may be.

On March 10th I will have a full day starting with an early pulmonary function test, then labs will be drawn, then vaccinations will be given, then I will see my SCT nurse practitioner and physician, then I have the dreaded bone marrow biopsy, followed by my pentamidine inhalation to prevent pneumonia, then my all-telling lymphoma CT scan followed by a (by-this-time-especially-needed) transplant psych followup. 🙂

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Please be in prayer that these one-year tests are completed flawlessly and that the results are something we can celebrate. Clear tests at one year are a HUGE indicator of a good future prognosis.

In April I hope to have my forever-pending eye surgery to remove scar tissue related to my radiation therapy. My surgeon (whom I’m very impressed with) will try to remove my scar and reconnect the healthy tube allowing my eye tears to drain naturally. It’ll be a long procedure, but she feels it would be the very best for my quality of life if we can resolve the issue without tubes, but instead restore my “native” plumbing. This will also include an MRI since this is near the area where my disease began.

Thank you again for all of your love and support. I know things have gotten a little quiet on both sides, and I’m thankful that that is only for good reasons. Life is busy and I’m able to engage in it! I’ll be sure to keep you posted as next month’s results come in. Thank you all for blessing me, and I pray you feel God’s little and not-so-little blessings every day.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4