Monthly Archives: April 2017

The last few weeks…

Hello. This is another late update from Jonathan. The last few weeks since April’s return home have been a steady improvement.

We did have a frustrating challenge around two and a half weeks ago. April awoke to a sharp pain and great light sensitivity in her right eye. We were at first concerned that is was a strong graft vs. host reaction. We were actually pretty relieved to learn that she somehow scratched her cornea – actually a pretty bad scratch. Scleral lenses are quite large, rigid, and require some tools to help with placement and removal – so that was the most suspicious cause.

After around a week, a dark room, pain, meds, and a bandage contact the scratch healed.

Since that time, April has been making great strides – weekly PT and OT progress, she went to Harrison’s tennis practice, went to a restaurant with me and the kids, saw Harrison’s Kindergarden play, and is more engaged in the day-to-day activity of the house.

Please continue to pray for her lungs and eyes.

This is a tremendous blessing. We are thankful, and look forward to her complete recovery. As Spring reminds me of re-birth and being made new, it’s hard not to see that parallel in April’s recovery. God is good.