Monthly Archives: December 2016


This will be a very quick update from Jonathan. But April is home! She slept soundly in her bed after 7 nights at Vanderbilt. The test results appear to be Graft vs. Host disease, which is not a surprise. More updates soon.

Back at Vanderbilt

Jonathan here again.

Over the past few weeks, April’s breathing has become more of a struggle. She has gone from hiking near Telluride, CO in June to needing O2 constantly at home, and unable to walk any distance.  This is likely due to GVHD (Graft vs. Host Disease – the new immune system that hunts any cancer is now attacking April’s body).

During one of her regular appointments on Thursday, the decision was made to admit her for the weekend to perform a battery of tests: CT, Cardio, lung biopsy, X-rays, etc. The lung biopsy happened around 5 pm yesterday. Unfortunately, her right lung collapsed after the procedure. This is fairly common (1 in 250), and we hope to have the chest tube removed in a day or two. Her pain is extreme, and we’re now trying to find the right balance.

We expect to be here through the weekend, and possibly a little of next week. April’s Mom and I are switching off, and that is very much appreciated. Unfortunately, April won’t be able to be at our oldest’s 14th birthday party tonight.

Please pray for good news on the biopsy. In this case a treatable viral or fungal infection is a very good thing. GVHD would be a more complicated recovery process. We are still trusting and walking through this day by day.