Chemo Canceled. Biopsy Planned.

1 Cor. 13:12-13Dr. Reddy called me late afternoon yesterday to let me know that the mass on my forehead/eye area has increased in size since my last MRI on December 17th.  She will cancel my chemotherapy for this week, and schedule a surgical biopsy with the facial plastic surgeon who did my second surgery last October.

The increase in size is not surprising, because it is evident when you look at my face.  What I find more surprising is the long, twisted road we’ve been on since last summer.  It is hard to understand how so many physicians thought this was a benign process, and then when it was diagnosed, it was supposed to have a nice, neat path to remission.  We still have faith in the Lymphoma specialist and her good prognosis for this – she encouraged me yesterday to “hang in there”.  But, we know that ultimately, we have to trust and surrender to the Great Physician.

Please pray that my doctors navigate the next steps with great wisdom, that we will get on a clear, effective course of treatment and that Jonathan and I will have renewed strength and energy, and  more importantly, that we stay focused on God and not on the circumstance.  Thank you!

5 thoughts on “Chemo Canceled. Biopsy Planned.

  1. We prayed for you again tonight as we do every night and every time we think of you. If you are In Christ, your spirit grows when your body suffers. That Is both terrifying and exhilarating at once. But this must be like stepping out onto the surface of a rough sea with your eyes fixed on Jesus. I guess you’ve been forced out of the boat into this storm, but He’s staring right at you. You’re safe.

  2. We are continuing to pray for you,April .Jay’s sister in Mich has put you at the top of her prayer list also. She is very spiritual and she knows how much our family loves you.

    Becky and Jay Miller

  3. April, I’m praying for you, for all of you! As I read and re-read your post I kept reminding myself that this isn’t taking God by surprise and He loves you more than I can even fathom.

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