Day 8: Diagnosis and Treatment

Well, today has been another long day, but we are very grateful for the expertise and care I have gotten.  My original biopsy slides from last August and October were mis-diagnosed by the Vanderbilt pathologists, so basically we’ve been treating my cancer with the wrong kind of medicine.  Instead of a slow-growing , low grade MALT Lymphoma, I have either a mix of that type with large B-cell Lymphoma, or the MALT Lymphoma has transformed into Large B-Cell Lymphoma.  The characteristics of my Lymphoma are fast growing, aggressive and in need of a complete eradication.

My treatment will include EPOCH chemo.  This will require a 5-day hospitalization each cycle, and it will have the typical chemo side effects of hair loss, lowered immunity, fatigue, etc.  After 4+ cycles, I will most likely have a stem cell transplant followed by radiation.  The goal is cure.  Because of this cancer’s aggressive nature, it is important to completely destroy it – which will involve this rigorous treatment, but more than likely take care of my cancer.

As overwhelming as that information was to us today, we are grateful that the scans did not show any spread to other areas of my body.  We are still looking at just the forehead, right eye area and right frontal sinus.  I will also be able to return to Vanderbilt and begin treatment there.  The Lymphoma specialist at MD Anderson has already spoken to my Lymphoma specialist at Vanderbilt. It is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis (that’s correct!) and a treatment plan in order.

We are so tired.  Please pray that we will be refreshed and ready for this next phase that we are about to start.  It will be a rigorous journey, but we will remain focused and trust God with each step.

16 thoughts on “Day 8: Diagnosis and Treatment

  1. I’m sure it’s a mixed bag of emotions but so happy you have a clear path that you can trust. Your faith during this trial is inspiring to all who read it. Please know that we continue to lift you up in prayer along with all your friends and family, asking the Great Healer for complete healing.

  2. I am SO GLAD y’all went to MD Anderson!!!! Now that you have a clear and CORRECT diagnosis you can kick this cancer in the butt!! I am praying, praying for you, and I am here for you whatever you need!! Sending love and prayers for COMPLETE healing your way! Love you!!

  3. Our prayers are with you and the entire family as you enter this new phase of treatment. Praying for strength, wisdom and skill of your doctors and complete cure of this disease.

  4. Millers and O’Tooles are sending lots of love and prayers. So happy it was a productive trip and you got some much needed answers .

  5. Well the mission is set. WE ARE GOING FOR THE CURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That has been our prayer all along but now our vision is so much clearer. Our prayers are stronger than ever. We can,t wait to hear when you will be coming home. We would like to come over and let your mom and dad go home for alittle while but only when you would be comfortable with it. We love you both so much. Your Aunt Marianna and Uncle Gene

  6. God be with you and your family at this time. May he comfort you and give you all strength. May you always trust that God will work all things for the good of those who love him.

  7. I am sorry to hear that they misdiagnosed you! So glad that you have found the correct diagnosis and a treatment plan. I know you are exhausted. I wish I could be there for you in person, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!! I am so glad that you have Jonathan and your family there to support you daily. You also have an extended network of family and friends that love you so much! May God watch over you as well as your healthcare team!!

  8. April,
    Thank God for His Holy Spirit guiding your whole family to MD. What an un-fun rollercoaster this has been. You’ve hung on so well, trusting in God’s will at every turn. We are very happy that you’re finally diagosed and being treated correctly! What a relief to be on a good path. You and your family are in our daily prayers. May God, Jesus, and all the angels and saints look after you, your children and family…. and guide your doctors/nurses/technicians in bringing you to full health. And may Mary’s motherly love cloak you in her prayers, guidance, and protection. Looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta again soon! Love, Gretchen, Jaime, and Luciana

  9. Today I’m thanking God for the correct diagnosis and asking Him to give you an extra measure of strength to carry you through the treatment plan. Knowing what you have to deal with is more than half the battle so now rest and move forward. Love and prayers are with you constantly.

  10. Now you know what’s happening and you can take care of business. Thank God you trusted your gut and made this trip. All will be well. You’re on your way. We’re with you every step. We love you and lift you up all day!!

  11. Sounds like God has led you to the right place. We’re thankfull for the correct diagnosis and of course we continually ask God for your healing. So sorry you and your family are worn down and tired, but happy to hear you can continue treatments at home.

  12. I am just a few hours away. Let me know if you need my help! Please let me know if I can help in any way!

  13. Our Dear Daughter,
    We are grateful for a clear diagnosis and know God will continue to give you strength as you go through the next phase of treatment!
    We are so proud of you and Jonathan and your strong faith!
    We will be right beside you and give you are full support and look forward
    to the day we will all say…Joy comes in the morning!
    Now the children look forward to having you come home soon!
    Much love, Mom & Dad

  14. I know you are so grateful for a clear diagnosis, finally. Praying for your strength and know your family and friends will be right with you every step of the way. Whatever you need, many people are just waiting to step in to help in any way! Lots of prayers going up.

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