Happy 39th Birthday, Jonathan!

imageI’m way past due on giving Jonathan lots of public credit and love during this arduous journey. So why not give him some props on his birthday!  I mean, it’s the last year of his youth, so we might as well live it up.  I’ve claimed it for him as his “Year of Fun”, but for some reason he’s thinking it may be more like his “Year of Fatigue”. 🙂 Let me start by saying that we met when he was 20 and I was 22 years old. He really downplayed the age difference of 22 months and 25 days back then. Now he plays it up – he claims I’m a cougar who robbed the cradle. 🙂 No matter how you want to define the large expanse of age difference, he is definitely the man that was meant to walk this life with me.

Ephesians 5:25
Ephesians 5:25

He is truly my very best friend, the person who makes me laugh the most (and enjoys my humor as well), the provider for our family, my partner in raising our kids and keeping our home, and most importantly the person who keeps our family on track for our spiritual growth.  The Bible tells us that husbands are to love their wives as Jesus loves the church, and Jonathan’s sacrifice for our family is a wonderful taste of the kind of love Jesus has for each of us.  Ok, I’m not saying he’s perfect, but he’s pretty darn close and definitely the person I needed to balance me out and journey through this life with.  Enough sappiness, but I truly adore him and I am grateful to have him in my life!

imageUpdate on my treatment: I’ve tolerated this week’s treatment really well! No liver problems, no drug shortages, no hanging out in hallways with small sodas, and only 10 pounds of fluid weight gain versus 17 pounds from my last visit – oh the things your body goes through.  Maybe it’s actually 10 pounds of salad dressing – why they sent me 9 packages of ranch dressing, I do not know.  🙂

Happy Birthday to Jonathan Scheele! I love you more every day! Thanks for loving me young, older, with bountiful hair and as a baldy – you are a wonderful man!

Feel free to comment with birthday wishes – I’ll have him read them!

11 thoughts on “Happy 39th Birthday, Jonathan!

  1. So thankful for a more ” positive” cycle this time around.

    And HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, JONATHAN!! Best wishes to a great guy … We are marveling at your strength through all of this! Praying for a time of refreshment and rest! Keep smilin’!

    Love & Best-
    The Arrowoods

  2. Happy belated birthday, Jonathan! April is so blessed to have you as her husband and best friend!

  3. Happy Happy Birthday Jonathan! You planned that cougar robbery:-) April still in my prayers daily and nightly. Not a day goes by I don’t think or talk about you. Your spirit seems really good and that makes my heart happy. I am standing in that gap sister!! We are in this together:+)

  4. Happy belated Bday to Jonathan. We are so glad to hear that this round is goin more smoothly. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and you unshaken faith continues to be an example for us all. Stay strong.

  5. Oh Praise God for this Report. Prayers are being Answered. God is Good all the time.

    I want to Wish Johnathan a Very Happy and Blessed Birthday.
    If Pop who is 93 could he would want to Wish Johnathan a Happy Birthday.
    A little Secret , Pop only wanted Johnathan to bring him communion on Sunday’s.
    Johnathan Our Family so Appreciate your Example of Godly Love.
    I hope ths Son Shines xtra Bright on you all this Week.
    Hugs to your family. Belinda

  6. Happy Birthday, Jonathan! I am glad to hear this week in the hospital went better than the last time! I celebrated a birthday this week too. My bday is March 12 🙂
    I am so thankful April has such a wonderful guy by her side in times of sickness and health. You all remain in my prayers.

  7. Happy Birthday, Jonathan! God bless you, April, and the kids with great healing and peace this year!

  8. Dear Jonathan, Happy Birthday! May your year get better and better and with prayers this will be GODS will. You are a wonderful grandson. Lots of love, Grandma.

    1. Happy Birthday Jonathan. I loved watching you grow up and I am proud to know you. May your year be filled with good things!

  9. Happy Birthday Jonathan ! And what a Happy day it is for this family to have you be a part of it we were so blessed when April married you. It was such a beautiful wedding but little did we know what a wonderful present this family received that day when we got you. You are the best husband and father to your family and son-in-law,brother-in-law, uncle and nephew to the rest of us. We can not tell you in words, how we feel about the support you have given April in the loving care that she has received from you.She will be healed so much sooner because of you and our Lord Jesus Christ. Now we are sending you happy birthday blessing and many, many more.God Bless you Jonathan.Love, Uncle Gene and Aunt Marianna

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