Preparing for Radiation

Just a normal day at our house. A Transformer, a cat and a knight . . . Oh, and American Girl doll with a mask too, of course.
Just a normal day at our house. A Transformer, a cat and a knight . . . Oh, and an American Girl doll with a mask too, of course.

My appointment yesterday with my lymphoma radiation oncologist went well. She’s looking at this treatment from a different perspective than she did in February. Instead of just cleaning up behind chemotherapy, she sees this now as the definitive treatment for my cancer because of the chemo’s ineffectiveness. So, she will have to up the radiation from “30 gray” to “45 gray”.  She will carefully analyze where she believes the cells are/were based on previous scans, upcoming PET, computer software and measurements they made yesterday (that’s another story). This process takes a few business days.  She will try to protect my eye structures as much as she can, but that’s the biggest caution as a side effect.I feel confident that she will establish the best treatment plan for me.  I’m not an easy case, and I’m so glad that she will put a lot of time, effort, wisdom, and team-input into calculating this correctly.

I had my blood counts checked yesterday related to my last chemo.  My WBCs (immunity cells) are at a critical low – the lowest I’ve had (0.3).  So, the PA called today to tell me to be extra cautious and we went over all the rules for that.  The weekend may be a little less exciting than I hoped, but with my fatigue, rest is good.

Looking ahead, after remission a stem cell transplant will be needed. Originally they thought they could use my own stem cells, but due to the chemoresistance, I will need a donor.  They want any trace of these cells out of me for good! So, my sister will be tested as a possible match next week.  Thank you, Judith! I’ll keep you posted on that.

Also, thank you to the grandparents! Both Jonathan’s parents and my parents have been a great blessing to us.  They are so eager to run our household, and are pretty much experts on our home after so many months.  We were able to leave Nashville at the drop of a hat, and know that all would be well! And an extra thanks to my parents for, once again, assisting us without hesitation to get me back to MD Anderson.

Please pray for: the medical team’s wisdom as they compile scan information, photographs, measurements, computer models, and their past experience to make the right “recipe” of radiation for me, pray that my white blood cells improve quickly and I stay well, that my PET scan on Monday does not show any new cancer anywhere else, and that our entire family stays strong and happy during this period. Also, that my sister will be a match for my stem cell transplant.

Lots to pray for and a tremendous amount to be thankful for!  All of your encouraging words have meant the world to us. We are grateful and overwhelmed by your willingness to help us in any way we need. Your prayers are, above all, our top request.

4 thoughts on “Preparing for Radiation

  1. Thinking about y’all! Please let me know what we can do to help in any way. Sending big hugs.

  2. April & Jonathan,
    God is faithful and good! Your journey has been a long one and you are persevering. We know this is a difficult time in your lives and want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers. The specific requests are helpful to pray for you and your beautiful family pictures are so appreciated. We are praying for your radiation to kill the lymphoma without causing damage to healthy tissues, your WBC counts to improve and for God’s strength and presence to give you peace. We come to Brentwood, TN every other Saturday for a class Shannon is taking. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to call us or if the grandparents would like a little break we will be in Brentwood and can help out too. God Bless you and keep you strong throughout the radiation. We love you all and are praying for your healing and God’s comfort during your treatment in Houston and for your beautiful family at home.

  3. Good Evening April and Johnathan,
    I consider it a Great Honor to lift you all up in Prayer. You are in my Prayers and I often will ask others to Pray for you. Your Family is such a Blessing. Just want to say. I Love you all. Hope you are getting Sweet Sleep April. I am going to Believe that the Rest you get is Healing to your body. I was just looking at photo’s on your site. I really enjoy the Photo’s Thank you so much for keeping us updated on this Journey.

  4. I am praying for the doctors and glad you could get back to Anderson. God bless Judith and we will pray for a perfect match.

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