This Week: Radiation & Stem Cell Results

Happy Mother’s Day! And a special thanks to my mom and Jonathan’s mom for tirelessly caring for our kids and home while we are away. It is hard for me to be apart from our kids, and today is especially challenging, but I know it is absolutely necessary for me to get well.

My first radiation treatment is scheduled for Tuesday. We simulated my treatment once again last Thursday and we will simulate it again tomorrow as well.  I feel stronger since having my transfusion last Thursday, and I’m confident that my doctor is planning my radiation with precision.  I’m ready to get this treatment started and to see some results.

My sister had her blood drawn last week and UPSed it to Vanderbilt to be tested.  We expect to hear by the end of this week whether or not she is a match for me. Please pray that she is a match and that we can go ahead and work on the details of this next step.

photo 3Our girls had a special outing on Saturday! It was their first time getting manicures and pedicures – they were so excited! They also had a nice lunch out afterwards.  Thank you to my dear friend, Marie, and her sisters & mom for treating them to a day of fun!photo 4

1010704_10152147681131961_7512340052656957382_nIf you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know that I’ve found myself using the word “Ridiculous” a lot throughout this ordeal.  It just seems to be my go-to word lately. Jonathan saw the photo on the right posted on Facebook. We thought it was pretty funny.

I’ll post an update after my first treatment and let you know the stem cell test results when we find out. Please pray for the radiation to be effective, that my sister is a stem cell match, and that I’ll be patient throughout this whole process.  We look forward to sharing good news this week. Thank you for all of your prayers!!!





7 thoughts on “This Week: Radiation & Stem Cell Results

  1. Praying for your very first radiation tomorrow. Praying you feel calm and secure that God will protect all the parts that need to be protected, and confident He is guiding the doctors through it all. Praying your sister is a match. Keep us posted! Love you!

    1. I am keeping you and the family in my prayers as you start the next phase of treatment! Hugs to all!

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