Day +7 Update

Jonathan here again, and this will be pretty brief. First of all, thank you for your prayers. There will be a few specific requests at the end of this post.

The first couple of days after the stem cell transplant were pretty good. We walked the halls, ate regularly, watched a few of the Jaws movies , etc.

And then day 3 or 4 (after the transplant) came. April has suffered through some intense side effects – burning and blisters on her skin, throat sores that make it impossible to swallow (she hasn’t had a gulp of any liquid or any food in days), a fever at times, lack of good deep sleep, and plenty more. A pain pump has helped. And I’m happy to report that she is able to speak again pretty freely.

Please pray for continued recovery – specifically that her white blood cell count increases (she was at 0, went to .1, and is at 0 again today).

Compared to earlier in the week, things are actually much better. Also, April’s Mom came to allow me get some sleep at the apartment during the night. The pain pump meant hourly vital checks…

Again, thanks for your prayers. God is good. We can’t always understand our present situation, but our future is on a firm foundation thanks to Jesus.

7 thoughts on “Day +7 Update

  1. You have been in thoughts and prayers. Continue to pray for healing, strength, and comfort beyond your understanding.

  2. Praying for the side effects to decrease and for healing. Specifically for white blood cells to increase. Praying for rest for all of you and for the family.

  3. Thank you for the news. We pray daily but now we will be specific in asking God for white cells to increase. Much love and many prayers for you both.

  4. Thanks for the update, Jonathan. So glad April’s mom is there. Keeping all of you in our prayers!

  5. Praying for all of you to stay strong and that the side effects continue to get better~((hugs))

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