Being Paroled on Thursday

Tomorrow will be 3 weeks & 2 days since being admitted into MDA, and it looks like I’ll

Jonathan brightened my hospital room with an illustration he made from a photograph of the kids and me.
Jonathan brightened my hospital room with an illustration he made of the kids and me. (click to enlarge)

be going “home”! (Home being our local apartment.) It has been a ride with many twists and turns, many I can’t even remember clearly, but I’ve made it through to the other side. Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, texts, emails, comments.  Each one gives me a little more oomph to put one foot in front of the other.

With the stem cell transplant, comes a “lethal” dose of chemo.  The drugs were so powerful and harsh that my skin was affected with a sunburn effect & blistering, my GI tract was so damaged I couldn’t talk or swallow – and hence, Jonathan says he saw me the maddest he’s ever seen me (that’s in almost 20 years).  I was beyond fed up with my circumstance. We  called in reinforcements, a.k.a. Mom, and thankfully each day the severe reactions lessened.  We’ve seen my stem cells engraft, and now I’m on my way to outpatient monitoring.

As happy as I am to leave the hospital, there is a bit of trepidation. I imagine most cancer survivors understand the vulnerability you feel as you complete your treatment. After actively fighting the monster for months, you are suddenly “done”. It’s a little like a dead silence and looking over your shoulder for what’s next. It is an area I will need prayers on. I need to keep my eyes fixed on Him and let my faith be bigger than the “what ifs” that lurk around. It is easy for me to replay statistics and doctors’ talks of recurrence in my head. BUT then I have to remind myself to WAKE UP and remember all of the evidence of God’s plan, love, & trustworthiness AND all he has already done to restore my health.

Please pray that I keep my eyes fixed on Him, that I am patient as I finish these last weeks in Houston, that there is complete healing for my body, that our family fares well through this trial and that the emotions that accompany this transition will be manageable.


18 thoughts on “Being Paroled on Thursday

  1. I remember when Isaac was receiving one of his last treatments I had an moment (days actually)of trepidation. Our oncologist assured me that my feelings were normal. We had been fighting the monster for 42 weeks and then we were done… I pressed into The Lord and begged him for answers to “what now?” I’d love to share with you what he revealed to our family and how our lives haven’t been the same since. Love you so much April.

  2. It has been said. But your strength and Faith is such a shining light in this. Each post had filled me with the need to search out more scripture to understand and fill myself with the Word. I seriously can not wait to give you a hug again. Take care. We continue to pray for you and your beautiful family.

  3. What an exciting a scary time. I guess much like child birth, this is a re-birth for you. I love the earlier comments “you’re one of the few that will see it so clearly.” I know your experience has helped us to see our own more clearly as well. You’ll remain in our prayers of peace, strength and an abundance of good health.

  4. Love you and miss you. So happy for good news. You deserve some. Your journey has strengthened our faith as we tried to pray through this trial with you. Looking forward to having you back for good.

  5. April, I have ordered something to be sent to you at your apartment there in Houston. It should arrive within 2 weeks. Just wanted you to know it was coming! Pattye gave me your address.

  6. We are so thankful that you have made to the other side of chemo and hospitals and you will soon be with your beautuful family again. We are keeping your family and medical team in our prayers. God heals and does miracles today you are living proof of His Faithfulness. Let Him carry you the rest of the way through this trial. Please let us know if there is anything we can do you continue to be in our prayers!

  7. So glad to hear you’ve been sprung! As a wise, older friend told me, “Once you get out of the hospital, you get strong.” My transplant was out-patient at Vanderbilt, and after 2 months in the hospital just to get to remission and wait for my immune system to recover (which it never did), I was so ready to get OUT! You are so right about feeling vulnerable…after a schedule and a plan, it feels very strange to be more or less on your own. It was one of the most emotional parts of my journey. But, like you, I realized it was time to step up and really live what I had often talked about on Caring Bridge…trust in Him alone, walking in faith. You are a shining example of that! Praying for you daily.

  8. Hang in their April! So proud of you for putting up such a battle! I will continue to pray for you and you are always in my thoughts. I wish I did not live so far away! Sending a big hug from Portland❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. You sound so good! I am so happy to read this wonderful news. That illustration was amazing. What a gift! Love you.

  10. Breathing a huge sigh of relief for you and your family…and a prayer of praise and gratitude! You’re right about the what-ifs. In fact, you’ve been forced to see how a life of faith is supposed to be lived. Funny though, you’re one of the few who will ever see it so clearly. It’s a feeling like walking the remainder of your life on a tightrope convinced that if you fall, you’ll still be ok. Impossible to explain that new reality to others, knowing how real death can be, it will make your witness to others more sincere.
    We’re looking forward to seeing your family together mingling with FCC on Sundays again soon.
    Jonathan, the illustration is impressive! It says so much even without the words. Your talent has power for good.

  11. Happy ‘Release Day!’ I have been visiting my parents without internet access, and now, upon returning, I’m so thankful to read these last few posts. Jonathan is such a master, and the illustration just took my breath away–I could see all 4 of you so clearly in those silhouettes! Your poignant requests are being prayed over right now. May you be bathed in Heavenly Sunlight for your remaining days in Houston.

  12. Praying praying praying right now through my tears. That illustration absolutely overwhelmed me. So much hope conveyed through Jonathan’s love and gifts for you, your kids, and the precious family you’ve made together. I’m making it my screen saver. If I can figure out how. (Jason’s at work.)

    Love you all!
    Jen and damfam

    1. What wonderful news and a cause for great celebration. The present is all any of us have to live this life on earth. I pray that you will live each day to the fullest without fear and even filled with joy. I pray for the return of your energy. The picture is wonderful and true. Jonathan, you have a great gift!

  13. Oh, and the illustration is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous! Maybe the cover of a book???? 🙂

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