
FullSizeRenderThis will be just a brief update. It has been a good, busy week, and my continued struggle is to trust God and release the worry that sneaks up on me now and then. It is hard to forget about everything when it greets you in the mirror every time you go to the bathroom, and each time you wash your face you question if you are feeling scar tissue, normal swelling/irritation from the radiation or something else . . . It is an ongoing battle.

I’m somewhat of a hermit at the moment. I’m just not very comfortable getting out much – I’m self-conscious of my appearance, concerned about picking up germs and I get easily exhausted from a lot of conversation. Because of this, I haven’t been to our church yet.

In the meantime, I’ve been encouraged and kept more focused by watching either Andy Stanley or Charles Stanley’s messages (father and son with Atlanta area churches, and 2 totally different styles of teaching). Funny how the timing has been perfect with messages on: decision making and how to walk through crises in your life.

Here’s a link to an Andy Stanley series called Starting Point. They are short segments that are great for either affirming your faith as a believer, or if you went to church at one point but lost your faith, or if you are just searching. I highly recommend it.

Also, as I said above, I have to constantly stay focused on trusting God through this. This song has been playing in my head a lot, and helps me redirect my thoughts. Thank you for your continued prayers for complete healing and letting the worry go.

p.s. A BIG thank you to all of the men who helped Jonathan with yard work and outdoor projects yesterday, AND to all of the ladies who have been supporting us with delicious dinners!

5 thoughts on “Trust

  1. So happy you’re back with the kids, it must feel amazing. I think of you daily – I’ve never met a more beautiful person, inside and out. Soak up the warmth of family, friends and faith. We are all praying for you. xoxo

  2. April,
    I’ve gotten a great deal of comfort from Andy’s ‘In the meantime’ series. Really touch me in so many ways.

    Praying for you and your family.

  3. Great news April! Glad you and Jonathon are home! Your family is beautiful! What a crazy trip this has been, and all in God’s plan no doubt. What an inspiration you are to others! Good thing for wonderful family and friends! Glad you have a strong community! Keeping strong faith is the best! Much love to everyone! Shine on!!

  4. April, I can’t imagine how hard this time must be for you. I will be praying that you come to a place of peace and trust as you move forward with your life.

    1. Dear April-take the time and space (and naps!) you need for all the rest and physical recovery you need. Your friends and loved ones understand without words from you. You are surrounded by so many loving people, and a larger web of prayers. XO

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