Day Zero Update

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be Day Zero.  The donor cells are delayed and will be arriving this evening. Then they will undergo a few hours of processing before they can be given to me. So, tomorrow morning will be my transplant time.

There is a whole lot of coordination to get the donor’s schedule and my schedule meshed together just perfectly. I even learned yesterday that a volunteer hand-carries a little ice chest on their lap while they fly between the two locations. What an amazing system with so many giving volunteers on many different levels.

So . . . Today we patiently wait, and breathe, and relax, and trust in God’s timing.

7 thoughts on “Day Zero Update

  1. I remember walking the hospital halls one day and seeing the blue ice chest being carried in, just like in the movies. It was so thrilling to think about and pray for the person who was to receive those life-giving cells! And one day, they would be for me…just like they will be for you later today. Praying for you!

  2. We are with you in spirit, and will wait patiently for good news that the transplant has been completed!

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