Familiar Halls

Jonathan here again.

For the last couple of weeks, April’s cough has worsened. That came to a head on Friday with a pulled muscle. After a visit to the walk-in clinic on Sunday, it was decided that a trip to the ER for admission was wise. Unfortunately, the ER on the weekend is not a great place for someone with a suppressed immune system. But after only 4 hours (we were told that was quick), she was assigned a room back up on the 10th floor – The Stem Cell transplant unit.

The purpose of the “visit” is to see if there’s any infection that is causing the cough, and to make sure that the pain is simply a pulled muscle. We should have more answers later today after the CT results and cultures, and my hope is to have her home tomorrow or Thursday.

I’ll be in touch with details as they’re available. Please pray for complete recovery for her lungs, and wisdom regarding keeping her away from cold germs. That is key to her recovery.

6 thoughts on “Familiar Halls

  1. Sorry to hear you’re back at the hospital, sending prayers for speedy answers and discharge to home! Hugs to all…..

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