A Long Road

Jonathan here – I should have written this weeks ago. But it has been a very challenging summer for my amazing wife. She is currently improving. But a quick recap is:

• After a trip to Wyoming and Colorado in June, she developed very severe graft vs. host disease symptoms of her eyes. It was very painful, and made daily tasks impossible.
• The treatment until the GVHD subsided was an intense drops / gel / lense refresh regimen throughout the day.
• A very aggressive eye infection then formed. That brought us to the ER a few weekends ago. We knew it was serious because of the quick attention she received. At one point around 6 people were in a small room looking at here eyes.
• One eye was mostly clear but infected. Her right eye had a ulcer that formed very quickly.
• This meant that we had to throw away her scleral lenses. These have been a life-saver, and I won’t mention the price.
• Over the past few weeks, she has been recovering and her eyes have slowly improved. She even got 1 scleral lense for the now-clear eye.

April’s Mom has been amazing and has stayed with us to help. April also received some great lung improvement news today, with an FEV score of 25%. That’s up from 21.

We still need prayer of course. But we do feel God’s grace, and remain thankful for many reasons.

5 thoughts on “A Long Road

  1. It has been too long since I have been in touch and I sincerely apologize. April, I am amazed by your strength and courage as you face these health challenges. I will continue to pray for you as well as for your beautiful family. Sending love and hugs from Augusta!

  2. I didn’t see this update from Jonathan. Happy to hear that your lungs are improving.
    I pray your eyes will continue to improve also. Think of you often.

    Love from, Becky & Jay Miller

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about the eye complications but am relieved to hear that things are improving. And that is good news about the lung test results! Sending love, hugs, and prayers, always.

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