
longI knew the odds were not in my favor.  The MDs said 100% chance of hair loss and the majority of the chemo drugs and prescription drugs I’m taking have hair loss as a common side effect.  Even so, I prayed that God would let me keep mine.  That may seem awfully naive or vain, but I believe we can ask God for anything, and He wants to give His children good gifts.  I also realize, that not everything we want aligns with His will for us.

midI have felt like this road has been so hard, and there’s been so many wrong turns, let downs, etc., so maybe God would just give me a wink or nod on this to just let me know He’s got this.  Sometimes you just want a little tangible reassurance.  Jonathan and my mom said they’d pray as well, but I could also tell they wanted to protect me from being disappointed, again.

The girls were home from school both on Monday and Tuesday because of snow/ice.  On Tuesday, I texted my sister and told her that my hair was not falling out.  As soon as I sent the text, I started to style my hair and the strands started coming out.  Unbelievable.  I showed Jonathan, and then the girls walked in and saw it too – just a few strands each time I ran my fingers through my hair.  I couldn’t help but cry – and the girls cried too.  I pulled it together pretty quickly and told the girls that I’m texting my hairdresser to see if she can cut it short.  Immediately, the girls requested to go with me.  I told them they could come if she could see me that day, otherwise they’d be in school.  Maybe it would be good for them to be a part of it – to have courage and face it head-on.

shortMy hairdresser texted back and saw me almost right away. I think my hairdresser is a Godsend.  She is so calm, confident and methodical in how to approach such a devastating thing for a woman, and I’m guessing about as hard for guys too.  She had the girls hold a plastic shower cap open as she filled it with 10-12 inch sections of hair.  She told the girls that my hair would be perfect for a wig for a child. My oldest was then in charge for taking pictures with my phone and taking video – why not make this empowering instead of a pity party.

As the hairdresser showed me how to style my hair (even though this will be a temporary thing), the girls weighed in on their opinions.  My oldest said I looked like my mom. Okay, I can definitely see that.  My younger daughter said I looked goth.  Then she clarified, “A goth motorcycle lady.”  She thought the snaps around the cape neck added to the effect because it looked like a collar.  We laughed.  So therapeutic for us all.

I really really wanted to keep my hair.  I truly believe the God that made the intricate details of the tiniest particle all the way to the inconceivable vastness of space, can do absolutely anything.  I wanted to preserve this part of me and I wanted this to be a part of my story on how God came through for me.  But, you know what, He did.

Instead of my hair, He has used His people.  I’ve mentioned several times how overwhelmed we are by the support we’ve gotten and I can’t list everything, but let me tell you what He did within approximately 24 hours of my hair starting to fall out.

  • my hairdresser came in on her day off to cut my hair, and wouldn’t accept my payment
  • a gift card for dinner was left in our mailbox by a neighbor
  • Jonathan picked up our tax paperwork, and our tax preparer (who also has a cancer battle going on her immediate family) would not accept his payment – we also will get a tax refund that will get us back to being debt-free!
  • a friend was running errands, checked-in to see what we needed, and delivered the items to our front door
  • two friends in the neighborhood had me over for brunch (I haven’t been social in forever), and we actually talked about fun things like interior paint colors
  • a friend left a silver necklace in my mailbox with the word “hope” on it
  • a new neighbor from Texas, whom I’ve never met (Jonathan has met them – and told them about me), came to the door, introduced herself and told me God placed it on her heart to offer to come to our home anytime and read to our little boy or play with him, or whatever is needed.  She’s a former teacher and loves children.

You would think that these must be life-long friends or family members, but 3 of these people I only met 12 months ago or less.  God chose to wink, nod, side-hug, however you want to describe it, me in a totally different way than I requested, but undoubtedly the exact way He wanted to demonstrate His love.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


17 thoughts on “Hair

  1. Im sure you are having to face up and down days. But it is great to see you seeing the good side of things in the midst of your difficulties. It is good to see how God is by your side through all these people who have stepped in at your difficult time. God bless you with many more wonderful people to support your family at this time.

  2. April, loved your latest blog!! I immediately thought of your Mom when I saw your new “do”. It is the cutest and looks really good on you and you are looking great ! Think of you and your family often. Keep up your good, positive spirit and the “good fight”.

  3. Praying with you ~ on this journey, claiming His Promises! Jeremiah 29:11

    CWJC Crossville

  4. April, you are absolutely stunning. I honestly think you will be glowing if you do lose your hair. You have such a perfect mesmerizing smile and this will show it off even more. I have thought about you daily and prayed for you all. I would love spend time with you when you feel up for it! Keep fighting the good fight. I will be praying specifically for healing, joy, peacefulness, laughter and love:-)

  5. This is my favorite blog entry thus far. You look absolutely stunning. Love you so much and can’t wait to hug you in person. We are with you every minute.
    The Januzelli 5

  6. Love love LOVE your new do! your strength and courage is empowering to all around you!!
    and you never know….once your hair grows back in, you may just keep the short cut…it looks BEAUTIFUL.

  7. You are so Beautiful. I Love your Hair Style. You Go Girl!! Your Blogs are so Touching! i so Appreciate all that you share. Prayers and Prayers for You and Your Beautiful Family.

  8. I think you look great with it like this. It suits you. It’s nice to see a picture of your face I am amazed by how good you are looking. I can see why the girls thought the hairstyle was like Donnas. Don,t worry it will grow back again as good if not better than ever.
    Jill Alexander lost all of her hair and look what a thick head of hair she has got! You are doing great laughing with the family and keeping Audrey

  9. April,
    You are so beautiful with long hair or short hair and will be without hair, if it comes to that. I love this look on you! It really is great. What a wonderful story and I am so glad you were able to share it with the girls and support each other. Thinking of you and sending prayers – Jessica

  10. Indeed, you are ever beautiful. After your hair is gone, and you have exciting new hair to style, you will look back in amazement as it will seem like such a brief interval. My friend, whose name is April, and has lost hair not once but twice, has beautiful curly hair now…I adore it and admire her courage. Hang in there!

  11. You look great!! When all your hair is gone you will still be beautiful until it grows back again just as thick and lush as ever. You are so much more than your hair. I pray for you every day and don’t intend to stop.

    1. You look beautiful with your new hair cut! Keep strong and keep up the fight! You are such an inspiration and I know you will win this battle. Hair is just a thing-you will look amazing without it! Wish I lived on the east coast , so I could help you. I am sending tons of prayers your way!! Love you April!!

  12. What a great entry for today, April. And you look beautiful! People with beautiful faces can sport any hair style or hair color and look great, that’s you! Always thinking of and praying for you.

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