So Much to Share

I am so thankful for the clear scans, and thank you for joining in with your comments of celebration! I find that each day offers highs and lows, and that news was definitely a moment of relief and praise. I’m on such an adventure (which by choice, I’d never choose), and here is my update.

After meeting with the nurse practitioner who gave me the CT & PET results, I headed to “Apheresis” for my first stem cell collection. The process uses a centrifuge to pull the stem cells from the blood. They expected my collection to take a few visits, but I had an abundance of stem cells in my blood stream, so we collected it all in one shot!

Friday morning I met with a dental oncologist. He had to give the go ahead for the stem cell transplant from his point of view. He wanted the background on how my diagnosis unfolded. I explained how just prior to my symptoms of lymphoma starting, I had an infected tooth (that had had a root canal and crown put on it 4 1/2 years earlier). I told him how this has been the suspected cause by a couple of other oncologists. He agreed that this is the most logical source of my lymphoma, but as I’ve been told before, we will never know for sure.

After meeting with him, I had to get my IV exchanged for a smaller one. I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal, but the nurse had a very difficult time removing the larger one and inserting the new one. The process took a long time and it made me very nervous. The IV didn’t feel right to me and I was sent to X-ray to check for placement. I was then sent back to the nurse because the X-ray showed the IV was all coiled up. I was tired, my emotions were high and the idea of going through this procedure again was agonizing. The charge nurse was my nurse this time. She struggled forever to remove it and then finally began to replace it. I could feel my anxiety rising. The placement caused heart palpitations and I was mentally picturing what was physically happening with this IV in my chest. I  could feel my throat tightening, my heart pounding, and I warned her that I was about to have an anxiety attack. I’m sure this didn’t help her as she struggled with the placement, especially after hearing her say under her breath, ” This will be a miracle if this works.” I breathed deeply through the attack and she was able to complete the placement with the subsequent X-Ray thankfully showing it was exactly where it needed to be.

This is the point of my story where I’m going to lose some of you. I’ve even questioned if I

from Jesus Today
from Jesus Today

should write this, but I believe it to be true and I want to share it. I’ve had a hard time finding any joy in this trial. However, I do believe there is a blessing in it. It forces you to get to the nitty gritty of your faith and challenges you on what you truly believe. I have never felt closer to God, more dependent on God and more aware of Him in every aspect of my life. After my emotional upheaval, Jonathan and I grabbed a bite to eat, then I went to sit on a bench under a covered driveway while Jonathan went to get the car.

No one was sitting near me. I crossed my legs, had my hat pulled low and began to text a friend. My body language was completely closed off. There was nothing visibly obvious about me that would show that I had been upset. A tall, thin black man walked up to me. He was dressed in a valet uniform, had missing teeth, a short beard and warm, brown eyes. As he spoke, I wanted so badly to remember every word he said, but I couldn’t. I just remember the gist of what he said.  He told me to stop texting and lift my hat/face so he could see my beautiful smile. I don’t remember him taking my hand, but he cupped my right hand in between his hands.  His message to me was gentle, but emphatic: I must not worry anymore (in a sense that I had no choice in this, I just cannot worry anymore). And believe.  They go hand-in-hand. Relinquish it, no worry & believe. He said something about the doctors told him (in the past) he had a hopeless diagnosis. He said something about Jesus. He gave me a sense of healing. As soon as he began speaking to me, the tears silently flowed down my cheeks. All I could say before he left was, ” Thank you. I needed to hear that.” There was no introduction when he walked up to me, and no closure before he walked away. I believe this was an angel. I sensed that as I listened, he knew that I knew that he was an angel.

The Bible clearly states there are angels. It also says we will not always recognize them as IMG_4599angels. I honestly, at my core, believe I got to experience one. It was beautiful and reassuring.

Talk about an emotional day.

I rarely have two consecutive days without medical appointments, but I had Saturday and Sunday off.  Saturday morning we left for Texas Hill Country. I know, I thought Texas was flat too. But, it was beautiful! Our friends’ aunt opened her ranch cabin to us. It is set on 90+ acres of hill country with the cabin sitting right on a river with a beautiful cliff landscape following along the banks. Amazing! Their satellite tv was shut off, there wasn’t any wifi and we had sketchy cell service. Jonathan has always felt his connection with God is most evident in nature. The weekend was filled with beauty, and the apex was when a low, bright, upward shooting star suddenly appeared and separated into two bright dashes of light.

It was the most peaceful, solitude-filled, beautiful place I’ve ever experienced without a tent. It was a weekend of rest, refreshing and renewal for both Jonathan and me.

On Monday, I was back to reality with a very painful bone marrow biopsy and yesterday I had a bone scan – a scan that has a radioactive tracer “light up” your bones in images. Today I’m off, and tomorrow is a full day of appointments. Lots of appointments until I’m admitted on Tuesday for the stem cell transplant.

If you’ve made it this far down, thanks for sticking with me. I questioned whether to write all of this. I feel I need to share it. We live such busy, noisy lives and I want to reassure you that there’s more than what we see. And it is worth pursuing.IMG_4570

20 thoughts on “So Much to Share

  1. Praise The Lord! I needed to hear this message. Thank you for sharing your story. It encourages me so… Blessings of abundant favor and healing and his presence and peace be on you and yours…I believe.

  2. I loved reading this post and did so all the way through 🙂 I have always believed in angels appearing when needed, and you needed one that day. It only confirms that God has been with you every step of this journey.

  3. April, I am so glad you shared your encounter. I got chills reading it and know deep in my core that your experience was genuine. It is so encouraging to be reassured that God is physically present. Thank you for your willingness to share your emotions and thoughts throughout your journey. I can imagine it is difficult to be so open and transparent while you are going through such trials, but please know you are helping others through your words. I pray for you often and think of you and your family a lot. You are loved!

  4. My prayers are with you during ,hopefully,this last step in your treatment. I think of you often and all the support of family. Jonathan is so thouhhtful to keep me updated.God is with you to provide you with so much strength. Love always, Grandma

  5. April, we are friends of your father-in-law and Jonathan’s happy customers. Please know we are happy for your encounter and for your clear scans. Praying for you! So glad you and Jonathan had a refreshing getaway.

  6. April, what an amazing story! It seems your experience has given you renewed strength and faith! Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family as you continue on your journey towards complete healing! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Good Morning Beautiful April and Family,
    I think of you often. God Loves you so much. I Pray today you are feeling his Love and Peace as you walk down this hard path. Thank you so much for sharing on your site.
    I Love reading what you write. I dont think you could ever write too much.
    I Love hearing about your Precious Children and Great Husband also. You all are such a Precious family. Thank you !!! You Trust is in our God. May He continue to strenghten you. May God Healing Hand touch you in Jesus Name. Hugs to you all.
    with much Love to you all. Belinda Bell

  8. Thinking of you and praying for you! What a powerful story! Please let us know if you need anything ~hugs~

  9. An angel, wow! That’s a big step! You know this means you have to lead a country to freedom or the promised land or something! APRIL FOR PRESIDENT!
    Seriously, that’s a wonderful story and after all you’ve been through, I’d say you needed such a visit more than anyone I know right now. You may not have much strength left, emotionally and physically, but God knows how much you can bear and he has made a way for your strength to be renewed.
    Although an encounter with an angel is certainly an exciting source of encouragement, the Spirit still sits in the shadows having sat next to us and listened to us plead for you while constantly attending you, comforting you, and healing you every hour of this journey. You have held the attention of the Creator and we praise Him for all He is doing in your life.
    Thanks for continuing to minister to us. After years of exposure to platitudes and empty church language, it’s refreshing to hear your raw words of experience and first-hand faith!

  10. Angels have appeared many, many times in the Bible (notably: Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Mary, Elizabeth and the shepherds in the field) announcing wonderful interventions by God. They DO STILL appear and have to you – again announcing a wonderful event – your “healing” and peace – a complete healing that you can take with you forever! (Much like Shirley I. described so beautifully.)

    I know that since the clear scans and the appearance of this angel to you, that I and surely others have shared a wonderful new peace that can only be provided by Our Father in heaven. Your testimony and that of those who have contributed to the responses are meaningful to so many – there are those we don’t know who are reading this and being blessed.

    Yes, Praise Jesus and His love – we love you and those wonderful children you have put in our care. Every day is a wonderful adventure with them!

    Much Love, Dad and Mom (Solomons)

  11. April, Dad sent me an email today and said I needed to read your latest blog. THANK YOU for sharing such a beautiful and profound story. Your journey has been amazing and you have shared it so eloquently in your blog.
    Love you!

  12. Thank you again, April, for letting us walk with you on this path. Best wishes and prayers for the stem cell transplant this coming week! XO

  13. Oh April – what a beautiful story! I was cheering for you with you last post even though I didn’t get the chance to comment. I hope your encounter gives you the strength you need to sustain you over the next few weeks. I pray everything will go smoothly and that you are on the downhill climb with this being the last treatment needed to get rid of the cancer once and for all.

  14. Hi April, I’m a friend of your sister’s, our sons became best buddies this past year in first grade – an answer to prayer for our families. I’ve been praying for you and keeping up through your blog and Judith. First, I’m so happy about your great test results!!! Second, just want to tell you I do believe your story… I was riveted and read it several times, slowly. I used to be skeptical of a lot of angel stories, I didn’t necessarily not believe them, but was just skeptical. My mind is very black and white, and literal. A few years ago, however, I had an encounter either with an angel or with the very Holy Spirit of God where I’m very sure (in the core of my being!) I was touched and physically held back, with the result being my response to my then-circumstances was altered and my faith in God grew the most it had ever grown to that point. Similar to your account, I came away with a gentle but strong assurance of what I was supposed to do/feel. To this day it’s one of the most impactful things that has ever happened to me and I will never forget it. I replay it in my mind every now and then when I’m driving alone or laying awake in bed, just so I won’t forget it because time does tend to make things fuzzy and I never want to forget what God did for me. Over and over in the Old Testament God’s people are instructed to tell their stories and hand them down so that everyone knows what God does, so I’m telling you mine like you told us yours. I’m afraid I don’t tell many people because I don’t want to sound like a kook or be misunderstood because I don’t have enough time to tell it properly. In any case, Thank You for sharing what happened to you!!!

    I will keep praying for you and your family!!!

  15. We are still so happy over the scan results. The good news is getting around to the people we know,that have been so faithful in praying for you, so I have been able to relive this moment over and over again,which is not so bad. Just finished reading your latest blog (uncle Gene too),and I do not think that you lost any of us while reading what you wrote about your angel. I don’t think anyone of us could doubt that your experience was very real. We believe that God has put his angels all around us, and with all that you have been thru,your heart was open to seeing and hearing him. So little April our prayers are still there with you and we will be there Tuesday in our thoughts and prayers. We love you so much.

  16. Love this, April! From your angel encounter to your time away in the hill country, I’m so thankful for the way The Lord works, providing just what you need at the moment you need it!

  17. Amazing story of the Angel God sent to comfort and reassure you. Praying for you as you start the stem cell transplant. You are rounding the corner and finishing that last mile of the marathon. It’s almost over, April. You can do it. We will be here when you get home to celebrate the victory.

  18. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story about your encounter with the angel. Your account is in accord with all the Biblical accounts of messengers sent by God. He said, like they did, “fear not. God is with you.” I thank God for sending that word of reassurance and healing to you in your time of need.

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