Wanna go to lunch… or the ER?

Jonathan here again.

Today began without any surprises – coffee to April, a walk, some work, and then talk of Lupe Tortilla for lunch.

Then the phone rang at noon, and here we are in the ER – waiting to be admitted.

April’s standard lab work after her lumbar chemo treatment showed signs of meningitis. Meningitis is serious stuff. However, with no physical symptoms other than shock from the call, it looks like it’s not bacterial. That is a very good thing.

So, please keep us in your prayers. We will know more tomorrow after additional tests results are known. The beach is looking like a long(er)-shot, so please pray that we are able to go next week.

6 thoughts on “Wanna go to lunch… or the ER?

  1. Good thing they caught it early. I hope the treatment will be effective and fast. Love and prayers for both of you.

  2. Praying they caught it early and that this new development is just a small bump in the road. We love you and miss you. We want you home asap!

  3. Dear April and Jonathan–we’re keeping you in our prayers as you work over this latest hurdle. I’m so very glad that April’s medical team is so attentive to all aspects of her medical condition. And glad that she wasn’t feeling ill (but hence the shock when you got the call). Better to nip this in the bud! Will look for updates as you get the chance to post more. Sending hugs, as always! Deborah

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